Tuesday 21 May 2013

Meet fandoms ;)

Well hello again :) so I've been observing my fandoms and how I sct in company of each xD Here are results :3

Kissme: kind, polite, gentle, patient. Actualy sweet little cuties xD Probably 
            the sweetest fandom.
Shawol: crazy kids with no limits! For real, fashion icons and not normal
            acting. Very interesting and fashionable fandom :3
Inspirit: They're acting a bit crazy xD they're also funny and they are always 
            having a great time. If they're bored, they will always find something
            interesting to do. Funny fandom ;)
Aff(x)tion: There's not much to say about them. Full of love for their idols and
               admire them so much. Enjoying their music and trying to learn their
               dances :3
Exotic: The most perverted fandom ever. Ever,ever,ever,ever. EVER. Just read
           one fanfic and it will be clear to you. Also kindda mean to their idols
           xD At the moment freaking out because exo is back, so right now they
           are very, really happy and aegyo :3
V.I.P: cool cats :3 Following steps of their beloved BigBang. They can be
       anything what they want. Acting really cool, loving and admiring their
       idols. The coolest fandom ever xD

So yeah, that's how I see them xD I might be wrong idk, it's just my oppinion :3 so if you don't see yourself like that, don't be mad please xD If you think that I'm wrong you can leave a comment about how do YOU see some fandoms. Maybe some your fandoms which aren't in here too :) feel free to leave a comment anytime xD

So, wishes: @ayowassup_ feel free to ask me xD

And ofc 

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