Monday 20 May 2013


So I was thinking about Fantasic baby while listening it xD they way T.O.P says 'wow, fantastic baby' it's like he says 'oh, very interesting-_-' to someone who is very annoying xD don't you think. Also, I started to love Bigbang (obviouslyxD) and especialy GD *-* perfect xD Kpop world totally owes me >< I'm traped and I can't go anywhere now xD I knew it's a trap from brginnig, they CAN'T be that perfect >< I should run very fast and never, ever look back. But it might be too late now xD If you have a chance to escape, go now! Nah xD i'm just kidding, kpop is the best thing on the Earth, trust me. It also is very dangerous and it goes to the limit of all limits and even further
It's going to be awesome I promise ;)

I was also thinking about, have someone ever pointed at you because you like kpop? I think that's totaly rude >< I mean, dude, you should respect everyone's choice xD you totaly should. If someone says something bad to you because of kpop you just keep your head up and don't bother with those kids that aren't worth of your atention ;) You're the best. You're kpoper which means that you are weird xD AND awesome :3 don't forget that.

any wishes for any special topics about anything: @ayowassup_ is my twitter ;)


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