Saturday 11 May 2013


Yeah, I also love to make fanart xD I write names of my favourite groups on my bedroom walls. That's kind of weird. Or is it just big love? I don't know and I don't care. As long as I have kpop stuffs ^^ I mean those stuffs aren't offical, but I think it's better to have some unique stuffs. Things that noone else will have. Of course I'm not saying you not to buy records. You HAVE TO buy records if you're able to. Unfortunately, I'm not and that's another reason to why I do my fanmade things. If you have the same problem as me, here
you can have one Soohyun's balloon :)
  It's not that I'm poor, it's that I'm under age and I must have my parents approval to buy it and all those stuffs that piss me of very easy. Waiting very long time too. Anyway, I think that those things that you make by yourself are more valuable then things that you buy. It's your own product, you worked hard to make it and it's from your heart. Don't you think? I'm doing a fanmade thing again xD and I won't stop as long as I have inspiration. My favourite groups give me that inspiration :) Just listening to their music is enough. You feel like you have to do something for them and give them something, like you owe them xD You also have fun doing it. If you call your kpop friends it will be done in shorter time and you will have great time doing it because you all love it! :D I also have few SHINee and on BigBang poster from a magazine. I maded Ukiss T-shirt and I have some UKiss stuffs on my wardrobe, If you're interested I'll put pictures :)

Again, thanks for reading this :) If you have some wishes for special topics you can contact me on twitter: @ayowassup_


with love, just your

Kpoppsie ;)

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